
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
COMETS! Part 1 - Did They Help Start Life On Earth?
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Come along and ride a comet with Wayne and Dan as they explore the mysteries and intrigue of these celestial wonders! Why are they so regular? Why are they so surprising? How do they behave? What are they made of? From where did they come? And could they have seeded life on our planet? From Halley and ISON to the present day extraordinary accomplishment of the European Space Agency's Rosetta mission to Comet 67P, comets continue to fascinate us. Come and see what's up with comets and find out how you can catch one in 2021!
To see a video trailer for this episode, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfHWqYxIaOo
See the book on The Greatest Comets in History on Amazon.
See the technical book, "The Mystery of Life's Origin" on Amazon
See Wayne’s article on comets and the origin of life at https://creationanswers.net/answersblog.
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Good Heavens! is a production of Watchman Fellowship, Inc. A 501 C (3) educational non-profit Christian research organization providing the body of Christ with resources on apologetics, world religions, cults, and non-Christian worldviews. Visit our main site at Watchman.org. If you enjoy Good Heavens! be sure to check out our other podcast Apologetics Profile. We feature conversations and interviews about Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witness, science and other apologetics topics from top-notch authors and guests!
Image credit: TRAPPIST/E. Jehin/ESO
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